In simple word, Advertising any product or service by using the digital channels, devices, and platforms (regardless of whether they are online or not) is called Digital Marketing. Example:- SMS marketing don't need an internet connection but to advertise in the various site you need an active internet connection. So, Online advertising and Digital Marketing are not the same things.
Online marketing/ Online Advertising also commonly referred to as ‘internet’ marketing is a subset of digital marketing. Online advertising is marketing your product using the internet to the various internet enable devices like Computer, Mobile, Tablet etc. In this article, I will share some basic concept of Online Ad Operations.
Before entering into the main part, I think we should learn the benefits of online advertising. There are a lot of benefits for Online Advertising, but among them here are some common benefits-
- Less Expensive.
- Wider Reach.
- Anytime Result Analysis,
- Target Right Audience.
- Message Through Right Media.
- Proper Data Collection.
Let's start with some basic terms-
Advertiser:- An advertiser buys ad units from publishers to promote their business or service. For example, A Suzuki motorcycle ad on – Here Suzuki is an advertiser and msn a publisher. An advertiser generally works closely with the agency to promote their brand on publisher site. They provide the ad to the agency. An advertiser is also known as a retailer or merchant. They make money by ROI, i.e. by selling the advertised product.
Publishers:- Publisher own websites, portals and sells ad units to the advertiser. Ex:CNN,Facebook,Msn. They make money by selling the ad space. A publisher can be an affiliate or reseller or basically a site promoting businesses.
Impressions:- Impression is the no of times and has been viewed. There are several types of impressions like - Internal page, Cached ad, Bonus, Non-qualifying page, Deferred Ad Impressions etc.
Click through:- An action of following a hyperlink within an advertisement or editorial content to another website or another page or frame within the Web site. Click through is the percentage of times a user responded to an advertisement via click.
A user enters the website address, a request is sent to the publisher’s web server for website content. In return, web server served HTML file. Also, an Ad request is sent to the publisher’s ad server for the ad. Ad server consists of some ads from which it sends the best performing ad to the user and records the impression.
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