You will find following type of questions as otherwise is not decided by the Board of Bangladesh Bar Council: according to Rule 65A of The Bangladesh Legal Practitioners And Bar Council Rules, 1972
Part A: Civil Matters
1.Memo of Appeal or
2.Civil Revision
Part B: Criminal Matters
1.Memo of Appeal Or
2.Criminal Revision Or
3.Criminal Miscellaneous. You will get two questions from this part in question paper.
Part A: Civil Matters
1. Memo of Appeal or
* Part C: Writ There can be writ of habeas corpus with other type of writ. you have to answer one out of two writs.
Mark Distribution:
Every question will carry 25marks as otherwise is not decided by the Board of Bangladesh Bar Council:
- Drafting of a Memo of Appeal against a judgement (civil,criminal matters)
- Drafting of a Habeas Corpus Petition(Habeas Corpus is also a kind of writ)
- Drafting of a Petition u/s 561A Cr.P.C.
- Drafting of a Civil Revision u/s 115 C.P.C.
- Drafting of Writ Petition.
Part A: Civil Matters
1.Memo of Appeal or
2.Civil Revision
Part B: Criminal Matters
1.Memo of Appeal Or
2.Criminal Revision Or
3.Criminal Miscellaneous. You will get two questions from this part in question paper.
Part A: Civil Matters
1. Memo of Appeal or
* Part C: Writ There can be writ of habeas corpus with other type of writ. you have to answer one out of two writs.
Mark Distribution:
Every question will carry 25marks as otherwise is not decided by the Board of Bangladesh Bar Council:
- For Format - 5 marks
- For Arrangement of Facts - 5marks
- For Formulation of Prayers - 5marks
- For Language and style - 5marks
- For application of Law and framing of grounds - 5marks
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