Syllabus of High Court Enrollment Examination - SJM POST


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Syllabus of High Court Enrollment Examination

You will find following type of questions as otherwise is not decided by the Board of Bangladesh Bar Council: according to Rule 65A of The Bangladesh Legal Practitioners And Bar Council Rules, 1972
  1. Drafting of a Memo of Appeal against a judgement (civil,criminal matters)
  2. Drafting of a Habeas Corpus Petition(Habeas Corpus is also a kind of writ)
  3. Drafting of a Petition u/s 561A Cr.P.C.
  4. Drafting of a Civil Revision u/s 115 C.P.C.
  5. Drafting of Writ Petition.
*Practically, in the question paper question distribution can be like  as follows:

Part A: Civil Matters
1.Memo of Appeal or
2.Civil Revision
Part B: Criminal Matters
1.Memo of Appeal Or
2.Criminal Revision Or

3.Criminal Miscellaneous. You will get two questions from this part in  question paper.
Part A: Civil Matters 
1. Memo of Appeal or
* Part C: Writ There can be writ of habeas corpus with other type of writ. you have to answer one out of two writs.
Mark Distribution:
Every question will carry 25marks as otherwise is not decided by the Board of Bangladesh Bar Council:
  1. For Format - 5 marks
  2. For Arrangement of Facts - 5marks
  3. For Formulation of Prayers - 5marks
  4. For Language and style - 5marks
  5. For application of Law and framing of grounds - 5marks

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